Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Toy House

Hey all! Sorry about the recent absence... I have a lot of respect for anyone that can post daily! How do you keep up?!?
Anyway, one of the cool things about the growth of Las Vegas occurs when a new road is opened up, or made to go through certain areas that it didn't previously. When that happens, new and interesting things pop out of the desert! I was driving down one such road the other day, and saw a giant toy house being built. i believe it is a private residence, but the whole thing looks like it could be a fun house or something...


Anonymous said...

If that is one house then somebody has more money than they know what to do with. It looks like a mismash of block homes in Baltimore, Maryland.

Kaakun said...

hey dave, give me a call, I want to go hiking.


WK said...

They must have a huge family!!!

Steve said...

It looks a lot like Penn's (of Penn and Teller) house. I seem to remember seeing on a show about Las Vegas or houses of celebrities on the Travel Channel.